Thursday, 22 December 2011

Plenty of tools already... Anything left to do?

Well as I continue to look around the interwebs, it's clear that there's lots of interest in retro coding - and particularly in the development of the just the kind of tooling I'm talking about.

Two tools of note...
One is C64Studio written by Georg Rottensteiner. This guy has completely written his own IDE with sprite editor, char editor - and importantly, and interactive debugger that sits on top of a modded copy of ACME (cross-platform assembler) & WinVice... Pretty special I think, I'm very keen on seeing how this was all done... He tells me he will be happy to release the source in due course, which will certainly go a long way to seeing how emulators such as WinVice actually emit system state for reading and interpretation (I don't want to reinvent wheels!)

The other is the WUDSN IDE - it's a 6502 assembler plug-in for Eclipse, and targets the C64 and Atari among others. It has good syntax parsing and highlighting etc. - and clearly looks like a great way to plug-in and get started. 

So it's looks like I'm travelling a path not exactly well trodden, but certainly there are others doing some hard work in this space... Which is exciting :) The question now is - what am I going to do with Visual Studio? How am I going to make this work too?

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