Two tools of note...
One is C64Studio written by Georg Rottensteiner. This guy has completely written his own IDE with sprite editor, char editor - and importantly, and interactive debugger that sits on top of a modded copy of ACME (cross-platform assembler) & WinVice... Pretty special I think, I'm very keen on seeing how this was all done... He tells me he will be happy to release the source in due course, which will certainly go a long way to seeing how emulators such as WinVice actually emit system state for reading and interpretation (I don't want to reinvent wheels!)
The other is the WUDSN IDE - it's a 6502 assembler plug-in for Eclipse, and targets the C64 and Atari among others. It has good syntax parsing and highlighting etc. - and clearly looks like a great way to plug-in and get started.
So it's looks like I'm travelling a path not exactly well trodden, but certainly there are others doing some hard work in this space... Which is exciting :) The question now is - what am I going to do with Visual Studio? How am I going to make this work too?
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